
Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign
Search411 mobile app UI design showcase a clean interface that simplify the job applicant data input process, such as resume, experience, skills, traits, etc. The app includes features to help applicants to review the status of their profile, action items, messaging and profile review status.
Design Flow
UI Design
Project Synopsis:
Search411’s objective is to match make companies and job applicants quickly and efficiently while saving cost. Our goal is to address these age-old headhunting problems – matching & qualifying a candidate. To achieve this goal, we need to match an applicant with the most suitable job by creating a holistic professional profile for applicants. My role as Senior Visual Designer is to digest and translate a set of complex solutions visually and create a wireframe for the mobile app developer.
The mobile app is designed for job applicants to help them to not only upload a resume, but to create a complete professional profile. The interface must be simple and easy to follow; the applicant can manage their profile efficiently.
Throughout my wireframing process, I was having the constraint of limited space, huge amount of data input and difficulty finding a way to organize the applicant profile. Building an applicant professional profile can be very complex and time-consuming due to large amount of details such as skill levels, specific work & intern experience, traits important to a position, interests, etc that need to be captured. The interface must not be intimidating, able to capture a basic set of profile and help cultivate a habit to frequently revisit to enrich their profile. The menu and flows must be optimized to fit all rich text information into a tiny screen. I spent time to plan the flow, find ways to cut down the data input time; choosing the right buttons and locations. Other solutions include applying complementary colors to categorize applicant profile. The clean fonts and simple graphics also helped to organize the information.
Please click on the button below to view the original draft & concept.