
Design, Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign
Search411 Desktop is a SaaS solution for company hiring managers to instantly match qualified candidates for the available position. This desktop web solution provides tool to create detail job requisition. Each job requisition is highly customizable to improve applicant matching by fine-tuning the search criteria.
Design Flow
UI Design
Project Synopsis:
Search411’s objective is to match make companies and job applicants quickly and efficiently while saving cost. Our goal is to match & qualify a job candidate to a specific job. To achieve this goal, we need to provide hiring managers a powerful web based software to create job requisitions, collaborate with team members on job postings, candidate review and perform initial interviews.
My role as Senior Visual/UI Designer is to understand the job requisition process and Search411 solutions. Provide storyboards and reiterate it with different levels of executives and consultants. Throughout my wireframe process, I was able to simplify the steps in creating a complex job requisition by applying simple interface and background color, reduce the amounts of buttons, redundant interactions.
Please click on the button below to view the original draft & concept.